Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 3 ~ January 31st.

Day 3, I feel awesome, today went wayyyy better, still had a few rough patches when I smelled something really good, or when we got home and I thought chili or top roman sounded good, lol. I am sure this will pass. Today I feel so empowered getting thru the second and third day. I feel great, I have more energy, I was a little tired today but who knows what that is from. I am sooo excited to see what the results will be on saturday when I weigh myself:) I know this sounds strange and unless you have started this program you will think i am crazy, but I am on day 3 and I am feeling so much better. I already feel sexier just not eating crap food. I love what this is doing for me. Can't wait. Bring on day 4...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day One and Two, January 29-30th! Roughness

Day one. January 29th.

  So I started the day having this profound excitement. This was an interesting day, it was crazy tho, I got up at 8:30 and started cleaning the kitchen after I got Bray breakfast, I should have gotten a shake and drank it while I worked but I didn't and ended up not getting one until 10:30ish, this wasn't too bad, however it made it interesting trying to fit the rest of days food in. The first day went great until I took my antibiotic that I am taking for my ear infection, this antibiotic sucks, I get super nauseas etc, this is my second round of this to try and get rid of my ear infection, so I took it after dinner and got majorly nauseas and still had to eat 2 of meals. I had a shake which was good, but then I had a brownie and it was sooo hard to eat because I felt sooo sick, just looking at it made me want to get sick. The brownies are great but the antibiotic makes me really ill, but I am going to have to stick it out the next few days. After sleeping I woke up feeling better.

Day two- January 30th.

 This was a better day I ate on time and decided that I was going to take the antibiotic at the end of the day right before bed, so if I get nauseas hopefully I will be asleep and not know I am nauseas. Anyway Day two... I was HUNGRY lol I am still in the midst of trying to figure out my routine and what is best for me to hold me over. I feel so empowered though tonight after sticking it out, I can only believe that it will get easier and it will be so worth it. I forgot to mention over the last few days I have missed bad food like crazy lol, this morning was rough I woke up and smelled breakfast cooking that I wouldn't be partaking of. I have made it thru the day and feeling great now. I am so excited about tomorrow, I have planned my meals and believe that the choices I made for the day will hold me over and keep me satisfied. I want to let Trish know how much I appreciate the support and advice today, I know I can do this and I am going to kick butt. And for my other ladies that are supporting me, I love you all. Thanks for the support, I am happy to see results, below I have posted my stats and included a few pics, yikes I cant believe I am posting them but I am so focused on the outcome and how much healthier and hopefully slimmer I will be....

Weight- 195

Arm -          15 1/2
Bust -         40
Waist-        42
Leg-           25

I know, this is horrible... Yucky pics but I can't wait to post the result pics...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Tomorrow is the big day!!!!!

I am sooooooo excited, I got my food today, the first week that I got free with my order is good food that I will like, I was sooo happy that was a bonus. I am so excited even tonight I feel like I have more energy already:)

 I am so thankful for this great change, I have been so excited. It has been hard to wait for the food but the waiting is over.... I will post pictures and stats tomorrow, maybe sunday because I will be in Estacada tomorrow afternoon and my parents dont have internet, but I will record my first day and then post on sunday. Thank you for all that have supported me in this decision, I can't wait to see the results from week one. Here we go....

 To all my friends, any encouragement during this road would be appreciated.

On my way to a Healthier sexier MILF, and my WHOLE NEW WORLD.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Food scheduled for Friday! :)

My food is in transit. It is scheduled to be delivered on friday.... I can't wait. i am soooo excited.

Stay tuned

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ordered the food:)

My first order was placed today!!!!! I am so excited, I can't wait. It's hard to be ready to start but have to wait to get the food that is being shipped. Anyway I am hoping to start Jan 31 or Feb 1 so I will post again.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ordering my food on Friday! YAY

I am so excited... It took alot of shifting and rearranging a few things in my budget, but I am very happy to report that friday I will be ordering my first month of medifast. Yummy I cant wait I love the food and the one day I have tried I felt amazing, more energy and better not bloated etc. So after Friday I will post the day I think I will be starting. I think I may just say Feb 1. Not sure cause I have to wait for the food to arrive, but that seems like a good day. Either way I will still be able to have a piece of Birthday cake which is wonderful, I love my Moms cake and I didnt wana have to tell her I didnt want any lol. So I get my cake and eat it to lol, isnt it something like that.

Anyway my Bray I am still worried about he has been dealing with this virus, hard on him, he threw up last tuesday, friday, saturday, sunday and monday. today when i picked him up from gramma and grampa i thought he was going to get sick again, but I called the doc and she said that this could just be the virus. It better be or I am going to open a can of whoopy. lol

Anyway my outlook on this year is great, I am going to be gorgous and out of debt by summer. Loving it. I feel like I can breath for the first time in a few years.

Now if only... Lol just kidding. I am very happy. Loving my family.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Okay so I have refoccused my frustration. I am just going to work my ass off to get the money I need to purchase my first month. I really wish I could get started sooner, but I will breath and deal with it as it comes. Thanks for all the support from everyone during my mood today. I really enjoyed doing my first trial day so I am extatic to get started for good.Thanks Trish for letting me see that I am going to love this.  Anyway Kristine thanks for the long distance support let's kick butt girl, Love ya. Maybe I will be able to afford a plane ticket when I loose weight, lol do they sell the seats by weight? too bad... lol

I will blog again soon and share my progress of the order. First obsitcal is to get the food.....

Damn luck

Well today was going well. I like the food and I was prepared to completely commit, and was hoping that it would work out to where I would get more food without having to miss days, but not happening, half of me just is so mad that i just wana say f'it. Let me tell you McDonalds sounds great right now, remember stress eater.... The other half just wants to curl up and cry I am so frustrated.. Damn this luck. I am beyond frustrated, the only thing stopping me from doing this is money, damn money. I hate you money. you are evil..... I may say f'it and go to McDonalds and drown my sorrows.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tomorrow's the big day!

I am super excited I am starting medifast tomorrow. I can't even describe how happy I am having made this decisionl, I can't wait to start living this new life, this healthier life. I can't wait to not feel bloated, to stop eating so much, to have more energy. I am so excited to feel myself shrinking, I am excited about getting the happy me back, when you are not happy with yourself it affects the rest of you. I am looking forward to stop stress eating. I am looking forward to taking control of my life. I will post how the first day went tomorrow night.

Saturday, January 15, 2011