Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ordering my food on Friday! YAY

I am so excited... It took alot of shifting and rearranging a few things in my budget, but I am very happy to report that friday I will be ordering my first month of medifast. Yummy I cant wait I love the food and the one day I have tried I felt amazing, more energy and better not bloated etc. So after Friday I will post the day I think I will be starting. I think I may just say Feb 1. Not sure cause I have to wait for the food to arrive, but that seems like a good day. Either way I will still be able to have a piece of Birthday cake which is wonderful, I love my Moms cake and I didnt wana have to tell her I didnt want any lol. So I get my cake and eat it to lol, isnt it something like that.

Anyway my Bray I am still worried about he has been dealing with this virus, hard on him, he threw up last tuesday, friday, saturday, sunday and monday. today when i picked him up from gramma and grampa i thought he was going to get sick again, but I called the doc and she said that this could just be the virus. It better be or I am going to open a can of whoopy. lol

Anyway my outlook on this year is great, I am going to be gorgous and out of debt by summer. Loving it. I feel like I can breath for the first time in a few years.

Now if only... Lol just kidding. I am very happy. Loving my family.

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