Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day One and Two, January 29-30th! Roughness

Day one. January 29th.

  So I started the day having this profound excitement. This was an interesting day, it was crazy tho, I got up at 8:30 and started cleaning the kitchen after I got Bray breakfast, I should have gotten a shake and drank it while I worked but I didn't and ended up not getting one until 10:30ish, this wasn't too bad, however it made it interesting trying to fit the rest of days food in. The first day went great until I took my antibiotic that I am taking for my ear infection, this antibiotic sucks, I get super nauseas etc, this is my second round of this to try and get rid of my ear infection, so I took it after dinner and got majorly nauseas and still had to eat 2 of meals. I had a shake which was good, but then I had a brownie and it was sooo hard to eat because I felt sooo sick, just looking at it made me want to get sick. The brownies are great but the antibiotic makes me really ill, but I am going to have to stick it out the next few days. After sleeping I woke up feeling better.

Day two- January 30th.

 This was a better day I ate on time and decided that I was going to take the antibiotic at the end of the day right before bed, so if I get nauseas hopefully I will be asleep and not know I am nauseas. Anyway Day two... I was HUNGRY lol I am still in the midst of trying to figure out my routine and what is best for me to hold me over. I feel so empowered though tonight after sticking it out, I can only believe that it will get easier and it will be so worth it. I forgot to mention over the last few days I have missed bad food like crazy lol, this morning was rough I woke up and smelled breakfast cooking that I wouldn't be partaking of. I have made it thru the day and feeling great now. I am so excited about tomorrow, I have planned my meals and believe that the choices I made for the day will hold me over and keep me satisfied. I want to let Trish know how much I appreciate the support and advice today, I know I can do this and I am going to kick butt. And for my other ladies that are supporting me, I love you all. Thanks for the support, I am happy to see results, below I have posted my stats and included a few pics, yikes I cant believe I am posting them but I am so focused on the outcome and how much healthier and hopefully slimmer I will be....

Weight- 195

Arm -          15 1/2
Bust -         40
Waist-        42
Leg-           25

I know, this is horrible... Yucky pics but I can't wait to post the result pics...

1 comment:

  1. It takes guts to put it all out there lady. I know. :) Proud of you.
