Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 3 ~ January 31st.

Day 3, I feel awesome, today went wayyyy better, still had a few rough patches when I smelled something really good, or when we got home and I thought chili or top roman sounded good, lol. I am sure this will pass. Today I feel so empowered getting thru the second and third day. I feel great, I have more energy, I was a little tired today but who knows what that is from. I am sooo excited to see what the results will be on saturday when I weigh myself:) I know this sounds strange and unless you have started this program you will think i am crazy, but I am on day 3 and I am feeling so much better. I already feel sexier just not eating crap food. I love what this is doing for me. Can't wait. Bring on day 4...

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