Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 4 ~ Feb. 1, Awesome.

Today the hunger has subsided even more. It was a lot easier to get thru the day today, I still had a weak moment and craved chili :) lol I am going to have to buy some Medifast Chili. Anyway I didn't act on the craving. I feel great about sticking with this, I will say one thing, Medifast is not for the Weak Willed... Man it tests you for sure. Today was a great day. I went online this afternoon and looked at swim suites, I am so excited to be able to wear one this summer. I plan to look Bad Ass in it :) I have changed my Blog name to a more appropriate title for me. I can't wait for my clothes to start getting baggy and to start wearing smaller clothes. I feel so much better tho, I no longer feel bloated or feel overly full, I feel great. I am trying to be patient until my weigh in on Saturday but I am excited as well as terrified, I have put a certain number in my head that I want to lose the first week I know against better judgement and against Trish's advice, but I didn't purposely set the number but it happened and I just am excited.

 Anyway I feel better every day and I can't wait for day 5:)

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