Monday, February 28, 2011

Week 4. Lovin it.

So I dont know exactly how much I lost, but it was atleast 3lbs. I will have more results next week. This week I was a little scatter brained this week. Anyway I am feeling awesome about the constant loss. Until later this week. By the way I am in the 170's yay!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Week 4.

So I am not sure how much I have lost but I got on the scale last night and know I have lost, which is great, I was going for 6 lbs but lol I am pretty sure that is not going to be the case. Sunday I have a memorial to go to so I will not be writing that day. I will report my success on monday. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

 So I have to admit some days have been harder than others. This weekend presents a challenge. I am pretty much out of what I like so I will not be excited, my food comes on monday so its going to be rough until then. Yikes. Oh well, onward I go. I can feel my pants getting baggier and baggier just about daily. I am so excited. Anyway monday it is...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 3 Down and headed for great results for week 4....

So I was only down 1.8lbs for week 3 however I know exactly where I went wrong, I didn't stray far from the plan but I was adding some regular cheese to my salads and on my scrambled eggs. I tried the fat free but would rather have nothing, anyway I had it more than I should of but at least it didn't go worse. I have cut that out as well as the summer sausage beef stick that i was munching on, I tried to convince myself it wasn't that bad because I was taking out my lean when i had that. I have learned though that this will just delay me from getting to my goal and that is not going to happen. I am doing good I feel the inches coming off and it makes me feel so good about myself, people have been commenting, I wonder sometimes if they are just being nice, but either way I feel and know it so I am happy, plus I am more confident which is always nice. Anyway I am determined to lose as much this week as I can. I am going for close to 6 lbs which will put me at 20 lbs in one month. I wont get discouraged if it doesn't happen but its my goal. I cant wait I am almost in a 10. Anyway I will try to be more diligent with writing more often.

On another note, I cant wait to get my food Monday, I ordered everything I love so that I am sure to stay on track.... Yay....  I love eating brownies and peanut butter bars and loosing weight. I love medifast, thank you for giving me my confidence back.

Total down = 13.8 in 3 weeks.  On to 20 I go....

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week Two in the bag... Results...

This week was an emotional one with Bray being sick and me PMS'ing lol it was a rough one. Given all that I still lost 3lbs. Not great and not what I wanted but it comes with inches lost as well so I guess I am just fine with that. I am happy that it is down 3 but still wishing it was more but I am hoping that it was the pms lol. Anyway onwards to week 3. I am very excited about how my clothes are getting bigger. Well Valentines Day is tomorrow and I am doing just fine, without candy, without wine :( lol you know what I have been focusing on is that when things get tough I reach for food, I knew that but even now it is sometimes hard. It is amazing how America shoves crap down us. It is sooo expensive to eat good and that is not right. It is so much cheaper especially in this ecomony to eat crap food. I dont think that is right and it is taking its toll on me trying to get thru this weight loss. Anyway I will write more later. Chow friends.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Feeling Great.... Update from the past week

I am feeling so much better about myself and feel better in my clothes. I also have been doing great with the food, I am at that point you have to remind yourself to eat, and sometimes when you are not even hungry. This is amazing. I can't wait until weigh day to see what this week was like, I already know its not going to be as much, but that is natural but I am hoping that it is close. Anyway things have been crazy so I haven't written, not that I think anyone reads this:) lol It is nice to start feeling sexy again. I am currently in my 12's really good, and hope to soon be in 10's not that I have any but I suppose when my 12's get baggy I can assume that I would fit in a 10 lol. If anyone has any 10's they want to pass my way that would be greatly appreciated.

I will blog again on weigh in day.

happy Wednesday (almost) everyone.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Weigh In Time..... Better than I could of imagined, SO HAPPY

Okay so I have been nervous that even though I have been feeling results that for some reason I would not see them on the scale. Boy was I wrong. I got to the gym. went pee :) lol then stripped down and got on the scale, i looked up so i didnt watch until it beeped, then I looked down and it was 9.4 that's right down 9.4 lbs that brings me to 185.9. That is one week!

I have to say I am very thankful, it has been a rough week some points easier than others but still rough. I honestly dont know how I would of kept going had I not seen results on the scale.

i am super excited, onward I go, week 2 bring it on. Loving it. Feeling better already, my clothes keep getting smaller and smaller, however, lol Not that I have a small butt, but I have other places I wish it would come off first, I may not have any butt after this LOL, oh well I will accept that for the results.

Thanks for all my supporters.


Day 7 and 8! Feb 4th and 5th

Day 7-  It went well Bray has been sick so it was kind of a hectic day, but I have done well managing meals on the go. So convinient as well.

Day 8- This was a rough day. Bray was sick and was up most the night before caughing, poor baby. So when we got up I was dragging. I had a shake around 8:45 which was later than usual so it makes the rest of the day trying to make sure I got in all my meals. I have been at my parents with Bray because he is very sick and had a doc apt on friday and she wanted us to watch him so I wanted to stay close. My parents had pizza for dinner, this was my biggest struggle so far. I LOVE PIZZA, I text a few people and told them I wanted pizza, the smell was amazing... yummy, I stayed strong and I am very proud that I did, but let me say it again, Medifast is not for the Weak Willed.... Well I have been setting a goal for myself of atleast 8lbs down at weigh in... .Please see next blog for the weigh in.....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 6 ~ Feb 3 No Problem!

So today was a really good day, today it was absolutely no problem I actually had no issue going every three hours. I felt empowered today knowing this. Also there was a Chili cook off at work and as soon as you walked in you could smell it. YUMM, but I just enjoyed the smell and went about my business. I found by lunch time, I wasnt really hungry so I just made a shake and drank it because I wanted to be sure to stick with it but it just get's easier and easier, seems like morning time is the hardest but by night time its smooth sailing. Bray is sick again so after work tomorrow I will be headed to my parents, which means I will be weighin in on sunday instead of saturday. I have to say smells are hard to ignore:) lol but I am rockin it and sticking with this because I have my goal in mind and I have to concentrate on that. Anyway will post day 7 and 8 on sunday, along with my updated weight and the amount I lost the first week:)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 5~ Feb 2, Groundhog Day

Okay so today there were two really hard moments:) But I made it with flying colors:)

 Today I was in a CPR/First Aid Training at work and i was smart enough to figure out when I needed to get my next meal. The hard part was lunch time, they had ordered sandwiches, yummy, croissant sandwiches, but I took my meal and gave it to someone else, went to my desk got my medifast meal and took it back and ate it while I watched everyone eat their yummy sandwiches, that was a hard moment, until I reminded myself of my goal and how great it was going to be. So that moment passed, the next moment was when I picked up Bray from my parents. Bray had to go potty and there was a McDonald's right there so we went in to use the bathroom, well Gramma and Grampa went in to get dinner. So we used the bathroom and Bray was hungry, well I got him a happy meal, mind you I usually keep him eating healthier, but I am not going to go overboard and say he can never have a happy meal. We sat down with my parents for a few minutes and sitting there, looking at that cheeseburger, smelling those french fries, and I don't even care for french fries, lol I was finding myself telling myself, it is worth it, it is worth it. And that moment too passed. I did really good today, usually evening is the easiest. Tonight I cooked up some hamburger and tried to put it in my salad, not what I was hoping for, I couldn't gag it down so I grabbed two eggs and scrambled them and it was so good. Not sure if that was the best but I knew I couldn't skip it. Anyway this weekend, I am really going to have to start looking for some recipes.

 Okay enough of the heavy, on the bright side, I can feel my pants getting bigger and things getting smaller, I have more energy and the hunger has passed mostly, I still have my moments but they are better. I sat down to write this and I almost wrote day 4 and realized it was day 5, soooo excited that it has passed that fast. I am thrilled that things are going well, I am still nervous about weigh in day, I am really hoping I am not let down.

So to day 5 thank you and hello day 6. I really need some ideas if anyone wants to tell me some for my lean and greens, its hard because I am somewhat picky also.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 4 ~ Feb. 1, Awesome.

Today the hunger has subsided even more. It was a lot easier to get thru the day today, I still had a weak moment and craved chili :) lol I am going to have to buy some Medifast Chili. Anyway I didn't act on the craving. I feel great about sticking with this, I will say one thing, Medifast is not for the Weak Willed... Man it tests you for sure. Today was a great day. I went online this afternoon and looked at swim suites, I am so excited to be able to wear one this summer. I plan to look Bad Ass in it :) I have changed my Blog name to a more appropriate title for me. I can't wait for my clothes to start getting baggy and to start wearing smaller clothes. I feel so much better tho, I no longer feel bloated or feel overly full, I feel great. I am trying to be patient until my weigh in on Saturday but I am excited as well as terrified, I have put a certain number in my head that I want to lose the first week I know against better judgement and against Trish's advice, but I didn't purposely set the number but it happened and I just am excited.

 Anyway I feel better every day and I can't wait for day 5:)