Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 3 Down and headed for great results for week 4....

So I was only down 1.8lbs for week 3 however I know exactly where I went wrong, I didn't stray far from the plan but I was adding some regular cheese to my salads and on my scrambled eggs. I tried the fat free but would rather have nothing, anyway I had it more than I should of but at least it didn't go worse. I have cut that out as well as the summer sausage beef stick that i was munching on, I tried to convince myself it wasn't that bad because I was taking out my lean when i had that. I have learned though that this will just delay me from getting to my goal and that is not going to happen. I am doing good I feel the inches coming off and it makes me feel so good about myself, people have been commenting, I wonder sometimes if they are just being nice, but either way I feel and know it so I am happy, plus I am more confident which is always nice. Anyway I am determined to lose as much this week as I can. I am going for close to 6 lbs which will put me at 20 lbs in one month. I wont get discouraged if it doesn't happen but its my goal. I cant wait I am almost in a 10. Anyway I will try to be more diligent with writing more often.

On another note, I cant wait to get my food Monday, I ordered everything I love so that I am sure to stay on track.... Yay....  I love eating brownies and peanut butter bars and loosing weight. I love medifast, thank you for giving me my confidence back.

Total down = 13.8 in 3 weeks.  On to 20 I go....

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