Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 5~ Feb 2, Groundhog Day

Okay so today there were two really hard moments:) But I made it with flying colors:)

 Today I was in a CPR/First Aid Training at work and i was smart enough to figure out when I needed to get my next meal. The hard part was lunch time, they had ordered sandwiches, yummy, croissant sandwiches, but I took my meal and gave it to someone else, went to my desk got my medifast meal and took it back and ate it while I watched everyone eat their yummy sandwiches, that was a hard moment, until I reminded myself of my goal and how great it was going to be. So that moment passed, the next moment was when I picked up Bray from my parents. Bray had to go potty and there was a McDonald's right there so we went in to use the bathroom, well Gramma and Grampa went in to get dinner. So we used the bathroom and Bray was hungry, well I got him a happy meal, mind you I usually keep him eating healthier, but I am not going to go overboard and say he can never have a happy meal. We sat down with my parents for a few minutes and sitting there, looking at that cheeseburger, smelling those french fries, and I don't even care for french fries, lol I was finding myself telling myself, it is worth it, it is worth it. And that moment too passed. I did really good today, usually evening is the easiest. Tonight I cooked up some hamburger and tried to put it in my salad, not what I was hoping for, I couldn't gag it down so I grabbed two eggs and scrambled them and it was so good. Not sure if that was the best but I knew I couldn't skip it. Anyway this weekend, I am really going to have to start looking for some recipes.

 Okay enough of the heavy, on the bright side, I can feel my pants getting bigger and things getting smaller, I have more energy and the hunger has passed mostly, I still have my moments but they are better. I sat down to write this and I almost wrote day 4 and realized it was day 5, soooo excited that it has passed that fast. I am thrilled that things are going well, I am still nervous about weigh in day, I am really hoping I am not let down.

So to day 5 thank you and hello day 6. I really need some ideas if anyone wants to tell me some for my lean and greens, its hard because I am somewhat picky also.

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