Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week Two in the bag... Results...

This week was an emotional one with Bray being sick and me PMS'ing lol it was a rough one. Given all that I still lost 3lbs. Not great and not what I wanted but it comes with inches lost as well so I guess I am just fine with that. I am happy that it is down 3 but still wishing it was more but I am hoping that it was the pms lol. Anyway onwards to week 3. I am very excited about how my clothes are getting bigger. Well Valentines Day is tomorrow and I am doing just fine, without candy, without wine :( lol you know what I have been focusing on is that when things get tough I reach for food, I knew that but even now it is sometimes hard. It is amazing how America shoves crap down us. It is sooo expensive to eat good and that is not right. It is so much cheaper especially in this ecomony to eat crap food. I dont think that is right and it is taking its toll on me trying to get thru this weight loss. Anyway I will write more later. Chow friends.

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