Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 6 ~ Feb 3 No Problem!

So today was a really good day, today it was absolutely no problem I actually had no issue going every three hours. I felt empowered today knowing this. Also there was a Chili cook off at work and as soon as you walked in you could smell it. YUMM, but I just enjoyed the smell and went about my business. I found by lunch time, I wasnt really hungry so I just made a shake and drank it because I wanted to be sure to stick with it but it just get's easier and easier, seems like morning time is the hardest but by night time its smooth sailing. Bray is sick again so after work tomorrow I will be headed to my parents, which means I will be weighin in on sunday instead of saturday. I have to say smells are hard to ignore:) lol but I am rockin it and sticking with this because I have my goal in mind and I have to concentrate on that. Anyway will post day 7 and 8 on sunday, along with my updated weight and the amount I lost the first week:)

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