Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 7 and 8! Feb 4th and 5th

Day 7-  It went well Bray has been sick so it was kind of a hectic day, but I have done well managing meals on the go. So convinient as well.

Day 8- This was a rough day. Bray was sick and was up most the night before caughing, poor baby. So when we got up I was dragging. I had a shake around 8:45 which was later than usual so it makes the rest of the day trying to make sure I got in all my meals. I have been at my parents with Bray because he is very sick and had a doc apt on friday and she wanted us to watch him so I wanted to stay close. My parents had pizza for dinner, this was my biggest struggle so far. I LOVE PIZZA, I text a few people and told them I wanted pizza, the smell was amazing... yummy, I stayed strong and I am very proud that I did, but let me say it again, Medifast is not for the Weak Willed.... Well I have been setting a goal for myself of atleast 8lbs down at weigh in... .Please see next blog for the weigh in.....

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